Thursday, December 19, 2013

Back to thinking about the future

One of our folks recently shared around an article entitled,"Four Keys to Thinking About the Future."  Needless to say, we were all a bit underwhelmed by the advice in the article.
  1. Enhance your power of observation
  2. Appreciate the value of being (a little) asocial
  3. Study history
  4. Learn to deal with ambiguity
I think we were just a tad disappointed to find this (digitally) printed under the HBR banner, since it felt vague and light enough to feel futures-self-helpy.  We also pulled up the recent post I wrote on "5 things you can do to think like a futurist" (admittedly with just a little trepidation, wanting to make sure that what I had wrote initially as a very light and quick post didn't turn out to be exactly what the post was). Fortunately, it wasn't.

To recap, 5 things you can do:
  • Scan
  • Diversify your sources
  • See the world systemically
  • Swing both ways
  • Be humble
But, since we are in the midst of prepping all of the updated foresight training modules for 2014, it's probably as good a time as ever to put a little thought into how we would replace the "4 keys" from the article with a more sophisticated and rigorous set of guidelines for thinking about the futures.

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